parents code of conduct
1. Provide only positive support during practices and games.
2. Refrain from attempting to coach your child from the sidelines.
3. Do not criticize your child’s teammates or coaches in the presence of your child or his/her teammates.
4. Do not talk to players or coaches for either team during matches, except to offer support, congratulations or assistance.
5. No abusive or profane language.
6. Do not argue with officials.
7. Be gracious in victory and dignified in defeat.
8. Parents will not knowingly participate in or knowingly permit violation or circumvention of CCFC, Indiana Soccer (IS), or US Youth Soccer Association (USYSA) rules.
9. Do not argue with opposing fans.
10. Do not criticize opponents in the presence of them or their fans.
11. Fighting or physical violence will result in automatic suspension from CCFC premises and activities. Repeat violations will result in expulsion from the Club. Ejection of a parent during a match including stepparents or legal guardian for inappropriate behavior will include a written warning and review of the parents Code of Conduct. A second incident of ejection will result in suspension from CCFC premises and activities. Any incident involving a CCFC parent, including stepparents or legal guardian, who is ejected from a soccer match must have that incident documented by the team manager(s) within 48 hours of the incident. The documentation will be submitted to the CCFC Executive Board and for review and action. The CCFC Board will review the status of any parent who is ejected from a game.
12. If you have a problem with a member of the CCFC coaching staff, please give a 48-hour cooling off period before contacting the individual involved.
13. Coaches have primary responsibility for addressing violations by players. The Coaching Coordinator has the primary responsibility for addressing violations by coaches. Team managers have primary responsibility for addressing violations by parents, in consultation with the CCFC Board member responsible for the age group involved. The Executive Board will address serious or repeated violations.
14. Sanctions that may be imposed include, but are not limited to, reprimand, suspension from team or Club activities and facilities, and in extreme cases, expulsion from the Club. When appropriate, the Board of Directors will report violations to IS and USYSA. CCFC will support and impose all sanctions recommended or imposed by IS or USYSA.