Recreational & Select
CCFC Rec Soccer
Circle City Futbol Club offers recreational soccer options for players aged 18-month through 18-years-old who want to have fun and learn the beautiful game. Starting in Little Stars, moving up to Recreational, then Select in high school, these kids play two seasons per year (fall/spring). They learn teamwork, sportsmanship, and advance their soccer skills.
Registration is closed for the spring 2025 season. Check back for registration information on our upcoming fall 2025 season.

Rec soccer (U4-U14)
Spring 2025 rec game schedule
Recreational divisions are U4, U6, U8, U10, U12 & U14.
Teams are mixed gender and created at random, but we will honor siblings on the same team or qualifying special requests.
Each player receives a game jersey, black shorts, and socks. Players are required to supply their own soccer ball, cleats, and shin guards.
Parent volunteers (min. one per team) manage all practices and games – NO SOCCER OR COACHING EXPERIENCE REQUIRED.
All games and practices are played at our fields at Mary Adams Elementary (MAP).
Teams practice once per week during the season determined by the coach at Adams Elementary.
Registration fees are $75 for U4, $105 for U6 and $110 for U8-U14.
U4-U8 required size 3 soccer ball. U10-U12 required size 4 soccer ball. U14 required size 5 soccer ball.

The spring rec soccer schedule will be as follows:
First Practice: April 5
Game 1: April 12
Game 2: April 13
Game 3: April 19
Game 4: April 26
Game 5: May 3
Game 6: May 4
Game 7: May 10
Game 8: May 17 - Trophy Day!
U10-U14 Tournament (not guaranteed) – May 18-22
*U19 Schedule released separately

Little Stars (18 months - 3yo)
Spring 2025 little stars schedule
CCFC's Little Stars is a unique program for children aged 18 months to 3 years and aims to introduce kids to soccer in a fun, non-competitive environment. Each "Little Star" is assigned to a team with a coach and receives a full soccer uniform (shirt, shorts, and socks). Little Stars engage in age-appropriate drills and activities designed to develop basic skills, introduce them to soccer, encourage playful soccer engagement, and help burn off energy. Occasionally, parent participation is needed to assist with activities. Coaches explain the drills and motivate the kids as they progress through each activity. This age group does not play competitive games against other teams.
All Little Stars activities start at 10 a.m. and registration costs $50. Families are responsible for footwear, shin guard, and a size 3 soccer ball.
Registration is closed for the spring 2025 season. Check back for registration information on our upcoming fall 2025 season.

First Practice/Meet & Greet: April 5
Game 1: April 12
Game 2: April 19
Game 3: April 26
Game 4: May 3
Game 5: May 10
Game 6: May 17 - Trophy Day!

Select Soccer (U14-u19)
Circle City Futbol Club is excited to offer our players a Select Soccer program for players who want to continue their skill development after aging out of Recreational. Players will expand their knowledge of teamwork, sportsmanship, and general soccer skills. Ages for our Select program are 14 to 19.
Pending registration numbers, teams are planned to be 11v11. Each team will play a minimum of 8 games with the anticipation of a tournament at the end of the season (this is contingent on number of teams). Practices will be one to two times a week and are set by the coach. The game schedule will vary from the recreational schedule and will be released within a few weeks after registration closes.
Registration for Select costs $130 and includes full uniform and socks. If you have questions regarding Select Soccer, please contact: select@circlecityfc.com

Age Group Chart