At Circle City Futbol Club, we are proud to be an entirely volunteer-run organization. Our success and growth are driven by the dedication and passion of our volunteers, and we are always looking for new members to join our community. Whether you can lend a hand for a weekend, commit to a season, or join our board, your contribution is invaluable for the experience of our kids.
Volunteering with CCFC is more than just giving your time; it’s about fostering a strong sense of community and making a positive impact on the lives of young athletes. Our volunteers are the backbone of our club, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and our players have the best possible experience.
Volunteering at ccfc

Sample Volunteering Opportunities
There's no minimum to the amount of time you volunteer with us. Give what you can when you can! We have a variety of roles available to fit different interests and schedules, including:
Serve on the Board of Directors
Attend board meetings
Coach a team
Serve as an assistant coach
Serve as a team manager
Serve as a rec age group coordinator
Assist with our semi-annual Field Day where we get the fields ready for opening weekend
Assist with ordering and organizing uniforms
Assist with setting up the fields in the mornings and teardown at the ends of game days
Assist with our concession stand
Assist with community outreach
Assist with driving our golf cart for fans needing a ride to and from the fields
Assist with our academy and travel programs
Assist with ordering and organizing trophies for the end of rec seasons
Assist with coordinating our volunteers
Become a referee
Become a Guardian of the Game and help assistant ref games